Les Endroits de VENABLES - France
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Click on the map to the left to see a full-size
clickable map of VENABLES.
(WARNING - The map is a large image - 156k)
This is Château-Gaillard which was built in the 12th Century by Richard the Lion Hearted, King of England,
Duke of Normandy at the time. The castle is situated on a cliff overlooking the Seine River and the town of
Les Andelys, just a couple of miles around the bend from the village of VENABLES.
This is the church in VENABLES - France. It sits at the top of the hill (colline en Français) near the Town Hall (La Mairie).
Also nearby are the village school and the Salle des Fêtes (village reception hall).
These are some vintage photos of Venables, France:

This is the Town Hall of VENABLES. It is called "La Mairie" en
Français, which is derived from Le Maire which is "the Mayor" en Français. |
Address :
Mairie de Venables
Place de la Libération
27940 - VENABLES
Tel : 33 (2)
Visit classic Medieval re-enactments of Bretagne and Normandie at Les Féeriques de Montgothier
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All Contents of this Website are Copyright © 1995-2004 Sloan S. Venables.
No Reproduction Without Prior Consent. |